Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 12 – A picture of something you love

A picture of something I love...well other than the obvious family faith friends and food...
I love my dogs:)
This is my baby!! Her name is Nala and she is beeeautiful!

This is her when she was younger..

This is me and he is a nut. But I love him!

This is both of them. I just adore them, they are so happy and cheerful and seriously, mans best friend. Nala is turning 15...which is 76 in dog years!!! And Canelo is middle age, he's 32 aka 4 years old and still a puppy:) He takes care of Nala, and she is very motherly towards him. They are adorable.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 11 – Your celebrity crush

Sir Viggo Mortensen, aka ARAGORN

Sir Leonardo DiCaprio aka JACK

Sir. Ryan Reynolds

Sir Matthew Morrison, aka Mr. Shu

Sir James Lafferty, aka NATHAN

Sir James Marsden.

Enjoy this eye candy. These men make my heart melt.

P.S. I did not include Channing Tatum. Because HE DOES NOT MAKE THE CUTE. Definitely not crush worthy....Katie, he's ALL YOURS:)

Day 10- A Picture of someone you see yourself married to

No big deal, this is my boyfriend. His name is Beautiful, he's charming, sweet, nice, honest, humble. He plays the guitar and sings for me every week. And his dream is to get sealed in the Logan Temple. Okay okay, so he's not my boyfriend. I don't even know him, but he is super good looking. And hey, a girl can dream, can't I? :)
Okay really. Here is the true picture of someone I want to be married to:

No, I don't know them. I figured it would be awkward to put a picture of someone I really know, so these two missionaries were found on the good ol google and I do not know them. Although if some of you readers do...well..thats awkward.
Anyway, I don't know who I will marry. And I know there isn't just one out there for me, there are many. The question is: who is he and when is he coming into my life. Maybe he's already in my life! Maybe I just met him! Maybe he's on a mission! Ah I don't know. But I do know this: I want to be married in the Temple. :)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 09 – A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most

Oh my. These are all so hard! But for this one, I will have to say Mr. Ryan Lambert,
AKA Elder Lambert.

I can't even begin to explain how much this young man has gotten me through. He's been there for everything!

Ever since our friendship in the 7th grade, he has been there.

From all of those petty middle school heart breaks,

rantings about being in love during high school,

stressful assignments that threatened to ruin my life,

just plain providing me with entertainment at any moment,

taking me by the hand through the good and the bad,

being a missionary when I most needed it,

the break downs of the stress involving college and big life choices,

and providing exactly what I needed, being my best friend throughout the toughest times of my life. He's a constant in my life.
He's my brother, he's my friend. And....he's on a mission! I love Ryan, and I know he will bless many more people in his life.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Day 08 – A picture that makes you laugh

Ahahahahahahahahahahaha. Just looking at this picture now makes me bust up laughing.
There is a back story as to why....
Lets just say...
Bear lake. Midnight. Full moon. Skinny dipping. 2 feet of water. White figure running into the lake. Tripping, basically belly flopping in while the rest of us watch. Oh ahahahahahaha. Probably the most hilarious moment of my life.

And also this one. Ahahahahaha for some reason, people dressed up as gorillas and inanimate objects just make me laugh for decades. Ahahahaha. Oh boy.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day 07 – A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you

This is an easy one, my parents.

They have had the biggest impact of me and my life. Through their teachings and how they decided to raise me and my sisters, I have come to make the decisions I've made and be who I am right now.
They are the most courageous and amazing people I have ever met. They traveled to America to give their girls - my sisters and I- a chance for a better life. They have sacrificed so much for us, it is incredible. They are my biggest role models, and will continue to be. I love them!

Day 06 – A picture that shows your true self

I had to enlist the help of my mom on this one. And this is the picture of what we came up with.
She says this shows my true self because I'm laughing, and I'm not fully facing the camera. Symbolism people!
Apparently this means that I am forever the eternal optimist, and just an all around cheerful person. And by the not fully facing the camera, she says represents being Okay! Mom's are always right, so who am I to argue with the woman who birthed me:)

Day 05 – A picture of somewhere you’ve been to

Anyone who knows me know that I love Mexico. A LOT. Its my favorite place to vacation! All of my relatives and family are there, so every time we go its one huge family reunion. We go to Aguascalientes, which translated, means "hot waters". It has the perfect weather year round- warm and sunny with the occasional thunder storms. I love it.

I just have the time of my life whenever we pay a visit. Seeing my grandparents, my uncles, my aunts, my cousins, my second cousins and aunts and uncles and everyone! It feels like I'm related to everyone I come across.

And I love every minute of it.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day 04 – A habit that you wish you didn’t have

Well...I like to think that I don't have any bad habits.
But truth is: we all do.
So in that case....
Biting my fingernails. Its gross and I can't help it!
Its a nervous habit.
So if you see me biting away, feel free to slap my arm away and scold me.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 3- A picture of you and your craziest friend

I like to think that all of my friends are crazy...
But Miss Tylee Knowles definately comes out on top. I love her for it!!! She always provides a good laugh and a fantastic memory. And she is always pulling a face for the camera, I think of the hundreds of pictures I have with her, only a handful is she smiling in. It cracks me up.

Seriously. She's always pulling a face. And I'm always smiling / laughing because of how funny she is. I just adore her! Never a dull moment with her around. She is also one of my newer friends, and oh my. I plan to keep her around for a long, long time.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 2- A really good memory

I had a very hard time picking this one! But in the end, I chose my familys' Road Trip to California. IT. WAS. THE. BEST.

Miss Kaitlyn Barnard joined us on this trip. As stated in previous posts, Katie has been adopted into my family. Hence why she's joining us on this "family only' vacation. Our first stop were the salt dunes. Don't know where they are, only know that a scene in Pirates of the Caribean was filmed here. Hence this picture!

We then stopped at this BEAUTIFUL lake through a canyon. Oh, it was probably the 4th or 5th coldest day of my life. But it was just gorgeous.

My parents at the lake.

Yosemite National Park!!!! We were so excited. This place is stunning.

Do you wonder why I love tree's and sticks and stuff? Exhibit A.

Final Destination: Morrow Bay. It was quite a chilly week, so we just played around for a little bit. Aren't we adorable?

My family! We're missing Kevin and Viviana though. But this canyon was so amazing, the colors were breathtaking.

Thus concluding a really good memory! Such a blast, I love road tripping with my family. And to have Katie join us was a treat! Honorary Ramirez member.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

What you did (and didn't) want to know about me.

Day 01 – A recent photo of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.

This is the most recent picture of me on my camera! This is my friend Matthew Petersen and I waiting for HP 7 part 1 to start...we were a little excited. LIE, we were STOKED!

1. I love to write.I get inspiration from the simple things in life. I have notebooks upon notebooks hidden all over my room with stories about everything and anything. chances are, if you're reading this, you're probably mentioned a fair share in a lot of them.

2. I am an avid bookworm. I LOVE to read, I will read anything and everything I can get my hands on, and will not put it down until I am finished.

3. I'm a huge fan of donating blood. This doesn't really mesh well with my blood phobia, but I think the greater good triumphs over my fear of blood. C'mon, saving three lives? Plus, I'm O positive which pretty much makes me awesome.

4. I'm a very touchy person. Thats how I show my feelings. Oh, and I just love feeling the texture of things. So if you feel a slight pat on your back one day and you see me running away, at least now you'll know that I'm really not a creepo who just touches people. I can't help it.

5. I cry easily during movies. Or, during anything for that matter. Don't even mention Bambi. I was watching "Cheaper by the Dozen" yesterday and I teared up. I'm a wimp!

6. I thrive on awkward. Really, I can't help myself. I love making things awkward, I love awkward situations. They make me laugh inside.

7. I"m a pack rat. I keep everything, I'm scared of throwing things away, I think I will need them later on in life. Which I won't. But I insist on keeping everything anyway.

8. I love my hair. Seriously. I cried when I cut it! I was so sad.

9. I like to collect things. Sticks, pine cones, toy soldiers, ID cards, tickets, rocks, bracelets, sweaters...If we're friends, there's a 90 % chance that I have something of yours. Whether you know it or not.

10. I think that Arby's Jr. Chocolate shakes are the best things ever invented. Have you had one? THEY ARE THE GREATEST.

11. There are 6 ways that boys can get to my heart: 1. Take me an arby's shake. 2. Get me flowers. 3. Voluntarily play 'Clue' with me 4. Be the nicest older brother / son. 5. Hold my hand. 6. Be a spiritual giant.

12. I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Chris of Latter Day Saints! It has been the greatest challenge / blessing of my life.

13. I like to eat. I eat my feelings! Sad, happy, excited, nervous, scared.

14. I love my family. They're the best. Really, they are. My sisters are beautiful and entertaining, my brother in law fits with us like a glove, and my parents are my heroes, they are amazing and will do anything for us.

15. I love missionaries. More than you'll ever know! I have friends that have served / are serving now, all over the country! California, Bolivia, Washington DC, Africa, Oregon, the Phillipines, Texas, Peru, Australia, Florida, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Canada, New Jersey, England, Finland, Colorado, Indiana, West Indies, Iowa, Indonesia, Japan, Argentina, Chile, Italy, Mexico... They are everywhere, serving the Lord for two years. They're the best.

Thats me in fifteen facts! And that completes day ONE of the blogggggging challenge. Its on!

Aggies, Wizards, and Grown Ups.

This has been a good week. I did go to the BYU vs. Aggies game! It was INCREDIBLE. Such a well played game, back
and forth the entire time. This picture is a little blurry, but its the only we got so deal with it! It was fantastic, a really fun ride and game.

Second of all. HARRY freaking POTTER. Need I say more? I am so impressed, they stuck to the story line really well, I laughed, I cried, I screamed. Just AmAzing.

Lately I have been thinking a lot. President Monson said that the three most important decisions to make in life are first, what will be my faith? Second, whom shall I marry? Third, what will be my life’s work? I've got my first question down, and it is a road that will continue on after this life, and for all eternity. I have no regrets here, it has been the best decision of my life. But the other two questions have been swirling around inside of me lately. I never anticipated having to decide all of this so early, but guess what? Its crept up on me. Now is the time to decide what step to take next. And let me tell you, S-T-R-E-S-S-F-U-L.

I know that if I choose one path, it means leaving someone else behind. But if I choose another path, I'll be stuck with 'what ifs?'. Or what if neither is the right choice for me? Or. What if they are all good choices. Oh boy. Being a grown up is tough work.

I wish it were as easy as eenie meanie minie moe. But how would I learn from that? I wouldn't. Life would just be a game, and I wouldn't make an progress.

I've come upon the crossroads in my life, not for the first time, and definately not for the last time. I'm unsure of the decision-making that has presented itself, I'm unsure of which way to turn, I'm unsure for how I feel, and I'm unsure on what I want.

But I am sure on one thing. With the Lord as my solid ground, I know that whatever happens will be for the best. It will work out. I just need to humble myself enough to see that. Not an easy thing to do. But it can be done!

Also, starting tomorrow I will be doing the 30 day blog challenge! More on that tomorrow.

"You reach the greatest heights while on your knees."

P.S. On this day, I am thankful for WARM BLANKETS