Hello, world! I am here today to proclaim glad tidings!
I'm in love.
I'm in love! I'm in love I'm in love I'm in love. Life is just so great at the moment, I can't help but fall in love with everything about me. Its nearing the end of summer, so that means hot weather, bbqs, picnics, hikes, movie marathons, swimming, beach days, blowing bubbles, sidewalk chalk, pokebattling, holding hands, etc, etc etc!
Allow me to expound:

His name is Michael Joshua Gabriel Harris...aka, Tike!
And he has completely turned my life upside down, inside out. We met way back in September (almost a year ago!) in our student ward. We didnt really start hanging out until December, and asked me out on our first date for Valentines day. He has some guts, right? And we started dating a week later and now we're going on six months this friday. It blows my mind how fast all of this happened, but we both know that is how it was supposed to be. Heavenly father placed him in my path at that time, and we have become inseparable.

Allow me to tell you exactly how incredible Tike is.
First thing you have to know: he has green eyes! Ah! So dreamy. Okay, now let me tell you about HIM. He's magnificent. He served his mission in the Phillipines and is devout in our faith. He worthily holds and honors his priesthood power, and is continually striving to better himself and in return, helps me be a better person by his example. He is a spiritual giant and goes out of his way to help those around him, and loves every single thing and person he ever comes in contact with. He is so passionate about life and living, it is contagious.

He loves his family to death, and boy does he come from the coolest, most interestingly awesome family I have ever met. I love them all, and my love for them continues to grow as I get to know them more. He loves MY family to death, there is nothing he would not do to make them happy. If my little sister Venezia asked him to do something for him, he would jump over buildings and swim the atlantic just to help her out. He and his brother Simon painted my familys ENTIRE new house. He gets along so well with them!
He is an adventurer and fellow lover of dogs! He loves to go camping, swimming, hiking, walking, anything! You name it, he'll try it and bring such a great enthusiasm that you'll wonder why you're not around him 24/7. And the fact that he can't live without dogs just melts my heart.
He is the answer to my prayers, he is honestly the greatest blessing in my life. I am so excited for all of the adventures that await us, for the dragons we get to face, the rivers to cross, the people to serve, the mountains to climb. Best part of all? We'll do it hand in hand.
I'm exploding with happiness at the mere thought of him! I have never imagined that a person could make me feel this way, the depth of my love is incomprehensible. And whats more, he feels the same. Every day with him is so incredible, so magical. I cannot believe that such a thing exists in this world, but it does. He is beyond words.
Stay tuned for more on our romance...we have some
big plans ahead:)