Hello dear friends.
This week has been pack full of some fun slash memorable events.
First of all, my BEST FRIEND Kaitlyn Barnard came up for the weekend to visit from Southern Utah! I had a blast with her, she just cracks me up and my family looooves her.
Miss Victoria Nye's bridal shower.
It was the first of many showers that I anticipate:) Tori will be a great bride, wife, and mother, we are so excited for her!
True Aggie night.
We may or may not have showed up just to watch and oggle...but we're firm in saying we were only there to take a picture of our friends, Tanner and Rachel. (Who are the cutest couple ever. Really!)
Ian Haderlie's farewell and departure.
This young man has been my best friend for yeeears on end. I am so proud of the decisions he has made in his life, and to see him grow and become stronger both spiritually and mentally, has been an honor.
We tried, anyway. We were aiming for Mickey Mouse...but...it didn't really work. It was fun though, these kids make me giggle.
Wednesday....Arby's Jr. Chocolate Shake and flowers.
Enough said.
Oh gosh how I love this celebration. Candy and dressing up, how much better can it get? Loooooove it. And this year was just great, we went to a dinner / picture scavenger hunt / scary movie party and it was so so much fun.
And today was fast and testimony Sunday!! My favorite days of the month! My bishopric and stake presidency members are amazing.It has been a great week, and I just loooooooooove my friends and family and ward members.
I have been strengthening my testimony in love this past week. To love my family, to love my friends, to love my neighbor and fellow man, to love myself, and to love my Heavenly Father and His beloved son, Jesus Christ.
"Because love is the great commandment, it ought to be at the center of all and everything we do in our own family, in our Church callings, and in our livelihood. Love is the healing balm that repairs rifts in personal and family relationships. It is the bond that unites families, communities, and nations. Love is the power that initiates friendship, tolerance, civility, and respect. It is the source that overcomes divisiveness and hate. Love is the fire that warms our lives with unparalleled joy and diving hope. Love should be our walk and our talk."
- President Uchtdorf
P.S. On this day, I am thankful for PEANUT BUTTER