Day 01 – A recent photo of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.

This is the most recent picture of me on my camera! This is my friend Matthew Petersen and I waiting for HP 7 part 1 to start...we were a little excited. LIE, we were STOKED!
1. I love to
write.I get inspiration from the simple things in life. I have notebooks upon notebooks hidden all over my room with stories about everything and anything. chances are, if you're reading this, you're probably mentioned a fair share in a lot of them.
2. I am an
avid bookworm. I LOVE to read, I will read anything and everything I can get my hands on, and will not put it down until I am finished.
3. I'm a
huge fan of donating blood. This doesn't really mesh well with my blood phobia, but I think the greater good triumphs over my fear of blood. C'mon, saving three lives? Plus, I'm O positive which pretty much makes me awesome.
4. I'm a very
touchy person. Thats how I show my feelings. Oh, and I just love feeling the texture of things. So if you feel a slight pat on your back one day and you see me running away, at least now you'll know that I'm really not a creepo who just touches people. I can't help it.
5. I
cry easily during movies. Or, during anything for that matter. Don't even mention Bambi. I was watching "Cheaper by the Dozen" yesterday and I teared up. I'm a wimp!
I thrive on awkward. Really, I can't help myself. I love making things awkward, I love awkward situations. They make me laugh inside.
7. I"m a
pack rat. I keep everything, I'm scared of throwing things away, I think I will need them later on in life. Which I won't. But I insist on keeping everything anyway.
8. I love my
hair. Seriously. I cried when I cut it! I was so sad.
I like to collect things. Sticks, pine cones, toy soldiers, ID cards, tickets, rocks, bracelets, sweaters...If we're friends, there's a 90 % chance that I have something of yours. Whether you know it or not.
10. I think that Arby's Jr. Chocolate shakes are the best things ever invented. Have you had one?
11. There are
6 ways that boys can get
to my heart: 1. Take me an arby's shake. 2. Get me flowers. 3. Voluntarily play 'Clue' with me 4. Be the nicest older brother / son. 5. Hold my hand. 6. Be a spiritual giant.
I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Chris of Latter Day Saints! It has been the greatest challenge / blessing of my life.
13. I like to
eat. I
eat my feelings! Sad, happy, excited, nervous, scared.
I love my family. They're the
best. Really, they are. My sisters are beautiful and entertaining, my brother in law fits with us like a glove, and my parents are my heroes, they are amazing and will do anything for us.
I love missionaries. More than you'll ever know! I have friends that have served / are serving now, all over the country! California, Bolivia, Washington DC, Africa, Oregon, the Phillipines, Texas, Peru, Australia, Florida, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Canada, New Jersey, England, Finland, Colorado, Indiana, West Indies, Iowa, Indonesia, Japan, Argentina, Chile, Italy, Mexico... They are everywhere, serving the Lord for two years. They're the best.
Thats me in fifteen facts! And that completes day ONE of the blogggggging challenge. Its on!