Miss Kaitlyn Barnard joined us on this trip. As stated in previous posts, Katie has been adopted into my family. Hence why she's joining us on this "family only' vacation. Our first stop were the salt dunes. Don't know where they are, only know that a scene in Pirates of the Caribean was filmed here. Hence this picture!

We then stopped at this BEAUTIFUL lake through a canyon. Oh, it was probably the 4th or 5th coldest day of my life. But it was just gorgeous.

My parents at the lake.

Yosemite National Park!!!! We were so excited. This place is stunning.

Do you wonder why I love tree's and sticks and stuff? Exhibit A.

Final Destination: Morrow Bay. It was quite a chilly week, so we just played around for a little bit. Aren't we adorable?

My family! We're missing Kevin and Viviana though. But this canyon was so amazing, the colors were breathtaking.
Thus concluding a really good memory! Such a blast, I love road tripping with my family. And to have Katie join us was a treat! Honorary Ramirez member.
Yay for family trips!!