Guess what else? That was one whole year ago on Sunday. :) This year has been full of ups and down, it has been both the happiest year of my life, but also the toughest. I have gained and stregthened my testimony, and I will keep building it. I have discovered forgiveness and the amazing power of the Atonement, and used it in my own life. I have built a firm relationship with my God, my Heavenly Father, and His beloved son, the Lord Jesus Christ. I have loved my family, friends, and everyone who surrounds me deeper and stronger than ever before. I have grown to love, respect, and follow the counsel of the Prophets of old, along with the Prophet Thomas S. Monson, and his apostles. I have visited the Logan temple, and find myself wanting to spend more and more time there. I have marveled at the miracles and tender mercies that I am blessed enough to recieve, for they are infinite and come from my Heavenly Father. I am a witness to missionary work, and the courage, strength, love, and humility that come from partaking.
"The gospel is the good news of Christ. It is the revelation that the Son of God came to earth, lived a perfect life, atoned for our sins, and conquered death. It is the path of salvation, the way of hope and joy, and the assurance that God has a plan of redemption and happiness for His children.
The gospel is the way of discipleship. As we walk in that way, we can experience confidence and joy—even during times of peril, sorrow, and uncertainty." -President Uchtdorf
I love the Church. I am so thankful to be apart of something so great, so inspirational, so beautiful, and so true.
This weekend I was able to be a part of a 1100+ people institute choir! It was such a blessing to attend and provide music for the fireside that Elder Ballard spoke at. He is truly inspired and called of God to guide us.
Oh, and my friend Mikey leaves for his mission TOMORROW! The people of Des Moise, Iowa sure are in for the greatest blessing of their lives, for Elder Morales will be coming to them in about three weeks. Mikey has taught me so much, I don't even think he realizes how great of an influence he is to those around him. He see's beauty in everything, and he simply loves his family. He is so full of joy and happiness, and it is contagious. He's loyal to his family and friends. He's very humble and helpful. He who comes from Minnesota, being the only member of the church at his school. But that has only strengthened him! He is so strong and firm in the gospel, and his testimony is unwavering. He is an incredible young man full of spirit and light, and he will be an amazing missionary. The people of Iowa will love him.

I just love missionary work. Those that choose to leave their family, their friends, their school, their lives and homes, to go serve the Lord for 18-24 months are the most faithful members. I look up to them for their courage and faith in the gospel, those who choose to spread the good word.
''Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a gerat work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great.''- D&C 64;33.
P.S. On this day, I am thankful for MISSIONARIES
Oh Gaby, I love you. :)